Study for the implementation of project-types for the production of cereals (corn) and grain legumes (beans), (in consortium with AGROPROMOTORA ANGOLA)
Client: Banco de Desenvolvimento de Angola (BDA)
Description: Analysis of agricultural systems and study for the implementation of project-types for the production of cereals (corn) and grain legumes (beans) in the South Kwanza Province, Quibala, Kassongue and Waku Kungo Municipalities.
Business plan for the implementation of a development project for the Cooperative of Cattle Breeders of Southern Angola
Client: Cooperative of Cattle Breeders of Southern Angola
Description: Economic and financial study for the implementation of the development project for the Cooperative and organization of the respective banking file.
Cattle development plan for the Cooperative of Cattle Breeders of Southern Angola
Client: BFA, Chevron, USAID and Cooperative of Cattle Breeders of Southern Angola
Description: Characterization of the cattle breeding systems in the Huíla and Cunene Provinces for a strategic and economic viability study intended for their development in the Southern Angolan Provinces.
Master Plan for the Development of the Irrigated Perimeter of Matala
Client: SODEMAT, Sociedade de Desenvolvimento da Matala
Description: Creation of a plan for the agricultural and agro-industrial development of the Irrigated Perimeter of Matala, resulting from the improvement works performed there and the future contribution of SODEMAT in the rural development of this region of the Huíla Province.
Project for the Establishment of an Agricultural Equipment Services Company
Description: Preparation of the technical, economic and financial file for the BDA, where the economic profitability and financial viability of the establishment of a services company for essentially agricultural equipment in the Dondo region, North Kwanza Province, about 150 km from the city of Luanda, was analysed.
Project for the Creation of a Fruit and Ornamental Tree Nursery
Description: Preparation of the technical, economic and financial file for the BDA. This project aims to organize the creation of a production unit of fruit and ornamental plants in Kassoalala, North Kwanza Province
Project for the Creation of a Farm of Citrus and Banana Orchards
Client: Paisagem, Lda.
Description: Preparation of the technical, economic and financial file for the BDA, where the economic profitability and financial viability of the creation of orchards in a Farm in Kassoalala, North Kwanza Province.
Sustainable Operation and Development of the Agro-Forest Polygon of Cuíma
Client: FCI, Consultores
Description: Creation and execution of a Sustainable Development Plan in the municipalities of Caala and Huambo, with a view to produce plant material; harvest, pruning, transportation and storage; plantation and replantation and, furthermore, the respective processing and marketing
Performance of the studies of the Hydroagricultural Perimeter of Caxito in the Province of Bengo, Angola
(in consortium with ProSistemas, Consultores de Engenharia, S.A. and Hidroconsult, Lda)
Client: SOPIR, Sociedade de Desenvolvimento dos Perímetros Irrigados, S.A
Description: Performance of the technical and economic viability studies for the Irrigated Perimeter of Caito Bengo Province, within an Angolan Governmental Programme for the rehabilitation and development of the irrigated perimeters
Performance of the studies for the Hydroagricultural Perimeter of Waku Kungo, in the South Kwanza Province of Angola
(in consortium with ProSistemas, Consultores de Engenharia, S.A. and Hidroconsult, Lda)
Client: SOPIR, Sociedade de Desenvolvimento dos Perímetros Irrigados, S.A
Description: Performance of the technical and economic viability studies for the Hydroagricultural Perimeter of Waku Kungo, in the South Kwanza Province, within an Angolan Governmental Programme for the rehabilitation and development of the irrigated perimeters.
Rendering of Training Services in the Assessment of Agricultural Projects to the Technical Staff of SOPIR
(together with ProSistemas Consultores de Engenharia, S.A.)
Client: SOPIR, Sociedade de Desenvolvimento dos Perímetros Irrigados, S.A.
Description: Training (2 modules of 15 hours) in the assessment of agricultural projects with the goal of equipping technical staff of SOPIR with the necessary knowledge and tools for the analysis of economic and financial profitability of investment projects, as well as the definition and framework of agricultural projects from the perspective of agricultural planning.
Participation in a Training Session for Angolan technical staff and company owners within the Coffee Company Management Course in Sumbe, South Kwanza Province
Client: CULTIVAR – Association of Tropical Crop Technicians.